Conversation with Dr. Mahendra Shah and the concept of the sustainable human being

Een reflectie van Dr. Mahendra Shah. Deze man wil graag in Gemert een Zen resort beginnen….

Snippets Of Curiosity's Blog

On a beautiful morning in March on the auspicious island of Bali, I met Dr. Mahendra Shah. Mahendra, dressed in a white kurta pyjama, greeted me with a kind smile and a soft handshake. I was a guest at the holistic Zen Resort in the North of Bali, which Dr. Mahendra Shah owns.

It didn’t take long to find out that Mahendra is a fascinating man, with ton of experience around the world, plenty of knowledge to share and yet, very, very humble.

I became insanely curious (who wouldn’t?) and decided to interview Mahendra. He is soft-spoken, has a look of a man who has lived many lives and I knew that behind his quirky smile there were many gems of his life story that I wanted to hear about.

Q: Who are you, what you do?

Mahendra: I’m of Indian origin, African upbringing, educated in England…

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